Connecting our industry’s most talented organizers with #UnionStrong campaign, political, nonprofit and allied work

Workers Seeking Employment
Join IBEW PNW as a non-voting associate member for $11.50 per month to get access to our job notification emails and resume portal! Whether you’re looking for a temporary position on a campaign, a permanent position with a nonprofit or state party, or an internship or fellowship, we can help you! Once you become a member, you will have the opportunity to sign up for our job notification listserv to get info on #UnionStrong employment opportunities! You’ll also be able to join our #Jobs Slack channel as well as complete a job seeker profile in our resume portal for employers to view!
#UnionStrong Employers
Why Hire Union?
As organizers, we know running for office is often overwhelming. You’re answering the call to serve, and you’ve got a lot on your plate. Hiring experienced, professional, trustworthy campaign staff will take your campaign to the next level.
As a candidate, you are also an employer and unionizing your campaign will help you be an exemplary employer. When workers are covered under a collective bargaining agreement, there are clear expectations, grievance procedures, and rights to representation that ensure your campaign staff are protected on the job. Unionized campaigns are quickly becoming the industry standard both nationally and locally as workers, candidates, and consultants understand a represented staff is beneficial to all parties.
By agreeing to #hireunion, your campaign will:
- Have access to our Job Notification & Resume Bank system, where we will distribute your job listing to union members, as well as invite you to view our resume bank of our region’s most talented organizers looking for work
- A staff who knows their rights on the job
- A formal process for workplace issues and disagreements
- A staff with access to professional development opportunities, best practices, and cutting-edge organizing techniques
- Show you stand with organized labor and with workers!
How Do I Hire Union?
Unionizing your campaign is an approachable and achievable process. There are two ways to ensure your staff are union members who know their rights and are protected on the job with a strong contract.
Track A) Hire Union Staff Through the IBEW PNW Job Notification List & Resume Portal
Every worker whose information is in the Referral Portal is already a union member. In addition to resumes, you’ll able to search worker profiles by skill level, interests, geography and more. When you hire them, IBEW and your new staff member will work with you to come to a mutually agreed-upon Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Then your campaign is unionized!
Track B) Unionize Existing Staff
As union members, we firmly believe every worker has the right to union representation. If you stand with us on that principle, then your own staff should be no exception. If you already have staff, we strongly urge you to voluntarily recognize your staff union and collectively bargain with IBEW PNW.
Whether you are looking to get started with Track A or B, the first step is to sign a Neutrality Agreement with IBEW. Once you’ve signed, we will get you connected with #UnionStrong workers, or we will work with you and your existing staff to start the unionization process.
Will you stand with campaign workers and build the healthy, dignified workplaces everyone deserves?
Whether you already have staff or are looking to staff up, click the link above to contact IBEW and learn how to be a #UnionStrong employer. Alternatively, you can email to get connected with an organizer.